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Buch Leseprobe Memory of a Dream, Catrin Zahn
Catrin Zahn

Memory of a Dream

Love against all odds

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A charity ball was planned for the next evening in Palm Springs, where Barry was to be the guest of honor.
“Would you like to come along?” he asked Tina and Jenny. They could hardly hide their excitement.
“Really?” Tina said. “But we have nothing to wear …!”
“I’ve already asked Marc to go and get you some evening gowns. He should be back any moment now.”
Barry smiled and the two women looked at each other helplessly.
“I suppose in that case we’ll just have to go”, Jenny finally said. Marc didn’t come back until an hour before they were supposed to leave. He gave Tina a box and winked at her meaningfully.
“Hurry up ladies, or we’ll be late”, Barry said, coming out of his bedroom and buttoning up his jacket. “Marc, you don’t seem to be ready either! Or do you intend to go like that?”
“I definitely have to change, considering what’s in the box. I don’t want to be the ugly duckling tonight!” Marc said and started laughing. After that everything seemed to be happening really fast. Marc had bought elegant black evening dresses for Tina and Jenny, which fit like a glove.
Barry and Marc were simply lost for words when the two women stepped out of the guesthouse. They stood completely in awe with their mouths open.
“Phenomenal!” Marc whispered eventually.
“German women can be sexy too!”, Jenny commented mischievously.
Barry gave a quick nod and added: “Wow, Jenny! I feel like I’ve been struck by lightning! I could marry you right in this instant!”
Jenny looked baffled and didn’t answer. Did she just hear him right?
A limousine took all of them to the ball. When they arrived and got out of the car, everyone was staring at them already. The two women were so nervous you could almost feel it in the air.
A lot of celebrities had come; actors, politicians, singers, and the first one Jenny recognized was Neil. She loved his music too.
“Oh, Tina! Pinch me! All those famous people! I must be dreaming!” Jenny clasped the hand of her friend who was also trembling with anticipation.
“Hey, Barry! Wasn’t that Neil?” Tina asked Barry.
He winked at her and replied: “Neil who? What do you mean? I though you two only loved me?”
“Of course we only love you!” Jenny laughed and kissed him on the cheek. Lights flashed around them immediately, as the first photographer was already there. Barry asked the man if he wanted another photo and of course he did, sensing a hot story
At that moment Barry took Jenny in her arms, announcing in a loud voice so everyone around could hear him: “Isn’t this a wonderful woman? I could almost imagine spending my life with her!”

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